Profit won this year’s cleaning contract awards. The locations of problem spots have been made public since last year. Construction waste, particularly animal carcasses, is the primary source of pollution. Acting head of the city’s municipal services, says this garbage falls within the fifth and sixth hazard groups.
Cascading engineers delineated property lines within illegal dumps, then notified property owners by certified mail of the obligation to clean up their properties. After that, the municipality got to work cleaning up. A total of 20 hectares is expected to be cleared next year, which is nearly double the current level.
New illegal dumps are springing up all throughout the city, but pollutants are being kept at bay and the criminals punished. Subtonics are also effective, as seen by the fact that many must be held with participants of garage cooperatives before the year is out. They’re in the works for the upcoming calendar year.
The unlawful dump inside the Khan Tayskaya neighborhood, which the municipal authorities had investigated, had already been eliminated, and the site would be landscaping next year: a contract already has been placed to hire a contractor.
According to Nikita Dresvyankin, Stroyservis’ deputy director, the region must be cleaned of waste covering 40,000 square meters by October 15. It is Dresvyakin’s firm that has approved two of the following sites this year. One of them now possesses 12 kinds of technology, including four hefty ones. ” 2,000 square meters have been excavated in the last seven days. The volume of rubbish being collected will rise to almost 6,000 cubic meters in the near future, according to the business.

The second contractor, Profit LLC, claimed to have cleaned a 15,000-square-meter site for a week and to have removed approximately 3,000 cubic meters of waste as of today. October 15th is once again the deadline for finishing the assignment. The second area to be cleaned is 25,000 square meters, which is a lot larger. Cleaning is now being planned by the company. For manual cleaning, the contractor utilizes 15 people, as well as two excavators, two loaders, and 15 dump trucks.
Including weekends and holidays, waste collection along road network facilities (such as carriageways, roadside, sidewalk, dividing lawns, and bus stops) is done every day. There was also a contract signed with RostTech LLC by Norilsk Avtodor, whose staff would clean rubbish bins on the Norilsk-Alykel and Norilsk-Talnakh freeways, as well as on Kirova Street at the Hlebozavod bus terminal, four times per week.
In September, Norilsk Avtodor said, spontaneous dumps were deleted in the vicinity of the road to the solid waste landfill and the disposal services under the Northern road side (the second start-up complex). Upwards of 300 cubic meters of trash were hauled away for a cost of 1.2 million rubles.